Las normas de tráfico para patinetes eléctricos en Barcelona
Los patinetes eléctricos son vehículos y deben seguir las normas de tráfico
- Circulation areas
- Traffic regulation
Cycling roads are the best way to move around with the electric scooters, here you can find a high resolution image with all the roads.
You can circulate in blue areas (Zona 30), and yellow (peaceful path), blue (cycling road) and green ("natural" paths).
Ask us any question!
- Please follow carefully local regulations of how to circulate with the scooter around the city.
- You cannot ride a scooter if you are under 16 years old, unless you have parental/tutor supervision and are in a space free of traffic.
- You are not allowed to ride above 30 km/h.
- Pedestrians always have priority.
- It is mandatory to use helmet.
- You must ride your scooter in the appropriated areas and roads: Cycling paths (red colour); Roads under 30 km/h. In those roads there are signs informing that cars and other vehicles cannot ride above 30km/h (blue colour); Pedestrian avenues and parks. You can ride in those roads at a maximum velocity of 10km/h.
- Under no circumstances you will be able to ride on the sidewalks.
- You must always have a respectful and prudent attitude and respect the all the general traffic rules.
You can obtain more detailed information in the official Barcelona traffic website
If any irresponsibility is committed, any traffic rule is broken or any accident is caused, the user will be the only responsible for any possible outcome, sanctions or penalty.For more detailed information please click here.